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Chakra #7 - Crown Chakra
Crown chakra or Sahasrara. Chakra #7 is located at the top of your head. It's color is violet, and is associated with your pineal gland,...
Chakra # 6 - Third Eye Chakra
Third Eye Chakra or Ajna. Chakra #6 is located between your eyebrows and may also be called the Brow chakra. It's color is indigo and is...
Chakra #5 - Throat Chakra
Throat chakra or Vishuddhi. Chakra #5 is located in the throat. It’s color is blue, and is associated with your thyroid, communication...
Chakra #4 - Heart Chakra
Heart chakra or Anahata. Chakra #4 is green and is associated with the heart, thymus, compassion, love, and healing and represents your...
Chakra # 3 - Solar Plexus Chakra
Solar plexus chakra or Manipura. Chakra #3 is yellow and is associated with your navel area, pancreas, self will, self esteem, courage,...
Chakra #2 - Sacral Chakra
Sacral chakra or Swadhisthana. Chakra #2 is orange and is associated with your genital area, ovaries, creativity, emotion and sensuality....
Chakra #1 - The Root Chakra
Root chakra or Muladhara Chakra #1 is red and is associated with the base of your spine, gonads, safety and survival, and sense of...
Intro to Chakra
The word chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning “wheel of spinning energy” and refers to the seven main energy centers within our bodies....
I Will Be Kind
5 Principles Of Reiki - #5 Just For Today, I Will Be Kind To Every Living Thing Reiki - Reiki is a Japanese healing art administered by...
I Will Do My Work Honestly
5 Principles Of Reiki - #4 Just For Today, I Will Do My Work Honestly Reiki - Reiki is a Japanese healing art administered by the “laying...
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